For the first time in 10 years, the men’s golf team at TGS will be able to compete as a five man team rather than solely at the individual level.
The young team, made up of mostly underclassmen, will be competing in more than 10 matches from March to May, including one invitational in Sierra Vista. In addition to being a very youthful team, it is also welcoming many new faces including senior Andrew Choi along with four freshmen. There are three returning players: Tommy Belk-Arenas, Ted Roberts, and Milin Patel.
Golf coach and anecdote extraordinaire Mr. Carlson talked about the challenges of golf as a sport, which are much different from the challenges of other sports. He said that while most sports are a competition versus an opponent, golf is different. Even though players compete against other teams for strokes, “[they] really play against the golf course and not against other teams. You’re trying to put up scores that will help you qualify [for states]. It’s not mano a mano, [the players from both teams] are trying to achieve the same thing” said Mr. Carlson.
Carlson recalled a time when alum Ben Deitch was two strokes under par with one hole left while trying to qualify for the individual state tournament. But after shanking three balls out of bounds on the final hole, he was unable to finish under par for the round. Even though Deitch thought that he had been playing it safe, Carlson had thought he “could’ve played it even safer”.
Carlson said that the same will apply for his team this year: their fight is against the course instead of their opponent, especially for the new members of the team who are settling in for their first of four years of high school golf.
Keeping it simple, Carlson said that the team’s goals for the year are to “get better every year [which] should be a given.” In addition, now that the team is eligible to compete as a full squad, Carlson eyed “the outside chance of making the state tournament, or, perhaps an individual or two qualifying, [while] in the long term being competitive at the state level in a year or two.”
A relatively new looking team will strive to build camaraderie, something Carlson sees as a key trait for his team to have as they begin their spring season. The lack of experience for the team will prove to be a challenge as they look to set foundational skills for the handful freshman on the team. Despite the many rookies on the squad, they are still looking at an outside chance of qualifying for states in the first of four years with a men’s golf team boasting strong numbers.
Written by Leo Gruenstein