This coming Friday, another session of Cyber Seniors will be taking place, much to the elation of Ms. Patton. The rise of Apple as a technology giant has brought tremendous benefits to society. For example, Apple recently released recent products such as the Airpods XPro and the Iphone15s+. However, it can be hard to keep up with all the complexities of Apple products, especially for seniors.
Cyber Seniors offers high schoolers the opportunity to connect with the middle schoolers. Once a week, middle schoolers are given the chance to share their teaching skills with the less knowledgeable high school seniors by teaching them how to use their technological devices.
Results have shown that many seniors are pleased with their visit. It may be hard at first, but patience is key. Cyber Seniors give high schoolers the chance to gain knowledge about their personal technology so that they can properly use their new cellular devices.
Tommy Belk-Arenas and Edan Uccetta are regulars on the middle school side. Both have worked with middle schoolers, particularly for help on Tommy’s iphone and Edan’s computer.
This Friday’s Cyber Seniors is filling up quickly. As per usual with Friday explorations, it's a first come, first serve. As a highschooler, image is everything. What good is a teenager without the text lingo and screen time of over 21 hours a day? Cyber Seniors will be an E3 and E4 exploration, meeting at the dropoff, as to insure no students get lost on the way over to the facility.
This popular, much-demanded Cyber Seniors exploration is all the rave, however keep in mind that spots fill up quickly. For such an in-demand exploration, there are only so many kind, knowledgeable middle schoolers with the patience and determination to help their peers.
Written by Hannah Calonje