Hello readers!
Welcome to our newspaper, The Gregorian Chant. I’m excited to kick off a new year of journalism at TGS with an amazing staff and new advisors.
As many of you know, Mr. Mann, our faculty advisor for the past three years, recently moved out of state. Taking his place are Ms. Cain, the librarian and eighth grade English teacher as one of our advisors, along with alum Mr. Milner, the new English I and IV teacher, and former staff reporter for the Chant.
Though the advisors for the Chant have changed, we still have a strong group of 16 staff members separated into two blocks. Returning is a talented group of senior staff members, many of whom have dedicated themselves to the paper for many years.
Drew Messing is our Managing Editor, and I am confident that he, along with Karen Jie, Lead Copy Editor, will do a great job leading the C Block journalism class.
In the D Block class, Liam Conroy and Leo Gruenstein are our new business managers, ensuring that we can fund our paper. Kira McNeill is one of our Lead Copy Editors, whose quick editing skills will be of much help. We are also working towards producing an online version of the Chant, thanks to Hannah Calonje.
I trust that everyone will work together to produce a phenomenal newspaper and enforce the power of journalism. Journalism, in its essence, is about telling stories. Journalists have a job to report what happens in a captivating way while still remaining factually correct and unbiased.
As the new Editor-in-chief, I hope to create a newspaper (both in paper and online) that that follows these principles and serves as an example of the power of journalism. Therefore, we will be focussing more on campus and local events that students want to read about. Due to the popularity of our April Rant among students, we will also be producing two Rants this year, one in the fall and one in the spring.
I encourage all of you who have a passion for art or storytelling to join the journalism class, or to submit work and perhaps see it published. Thank you all for reading the paper. We hope to have a great year ahead of us!
Written by Sheela Gowrisankaran (editor of the chant)