TGS’ safecracking team, led by Dr. Gallo, has drawn national attention ahead of their trip to the 2020 safe-cracking physics competition in Israel. The team managed to successfully heist over 3 million U.S. dollars from a local bank in what was originally meant as a training exercise with the goal of bringing team members closer together.
A team member, who asked to remain anonymous, commented, “I think the whole experience really made physics come alive. Everyone worked hard and we all came together to reach our goal.”
A common complaint from critics was that the team wasn’t ready to perform during high level situations at the Israeli competition. Clearly, this is not the case. This exercise not only silenced these critics but garnered an impressive 3.5 million dollars to be put towards the physics program.
In an attempt to compete with TGS’ boys basketball team’s back-to-back state championship wins, the physics team is exploring the possibility of attempting to gain entry into the fabled Fort Knox near Louisville, Kentucky. As a touching ode to the success of Gregory’s basketball team, each member of the physics team is rumored to be getting an eyebrow slit and a tapered haircut.
Dr. Gallo, whose location is currently unknown, is said to have other ideas in mind for her own future. If the group can pull off a second heist, she plans on leaving with a cut of the profit to live a new life in Tahiti. We at the Chant wish the physics team a successful season and congratulate them on their unprecedented monetary success.
Written by Leo and Liam